Friday, 29 January 2010

Back in the town of Woooooo

Ok so its 11am and i've been back in Worcester for just under a week, got lectures starting again on monday that i am kind of looking forward to weirdly enough. I just feel a bit lost currently and don't really know what to do with myself so its more the fact that i got something to do and some kind of reachable goal for the time being. It just follows yesterday which was good and all but it was just slow and dragged, Me, Tom and Ad just chilled in the front room and watched some TV and chilled on our laptops for the day and then watched 'The Hangover' of course it was because of the night out on wednesday dressed as Ru-fi-ooooooo! Which was an amazing night. From my view go out and have a laugh if something else comes from it then thats a bonus. What i don't really get though is first year before Em i seemed to talk my way into being with more girls even just briefly than since we broke up, whats that all about? Maybe i still love her and i dont want to move on yet as im not that kind of guy, been there done that felt shit for it. Im just really bored, and it sucks being alone. Im actually really looking forward to getting back home not that i dont love worcester but i can just chill at home or go to the gym or go play golf or go meet friends, espeshially the girls ;) ha. Seems to be different when im home, perhaps its the company im with, i just seem to meet more girls back home, i got to say im missing Vanessa at the moment just because it feels better to be with someone than without, im more of a relationship guy i've found although at times i really wish i wasn't but that ain't me. Anyways im gonna go do my weights for a while i think, gives me something productive to do.
Until the next one, bare loves X

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